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Vote For Jack | 6:11 PM |
Hey Everyone!
My dog Jack is entered in a cutest dog contest. If I win, We get a gift basket! please vote for Jack here:
Please Help Jack Win!~Annie
Calling all Writers! New Assignment America! | 10:03 PM |
Hey! I have a new segment called assignment america. I will post a task every once and a while, and I want you to do it. Here is your first task:
I want to see who can write the best short story (less than 500 words) using these first sentances:
She never thought it would happen to her. It only happened in her dreams, her nightmares. She never thought it would be real. But it was.
oooooooooooh! You could make this story anything! Please post your story in the comments, and I will post my top favorites later!
I threw it on the ground!!!!!!!!! | 2:42 PM |
After I watched this, what did I do with my computer? I threw it on the ground!
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